
How To Unstage Files on Git?


So, you’ve been working diligently on your project, committing changes here and there, when suddenly you realize you’ve staged the wrong files or made some unintended changes. Don’t worry; we’ve all been there! Fortunately, Git provides several methods to undo these staged changes and get your repository back on track. With this guide, we will dig into the process to unstage files on Git, helping you regain control over your project’s state.

Employing git restore to Unstage

Employing git restore to Unstage

Let’s start with a simple yet effective method for unstaging files in Git: using the git restore command. This command allows you to restore files in your working directory to their state at the time of the last commit, effectively removing them from the staging area.

To unstage a specific file using git restore, you can simply run the following command:

git restore --staged <file_name>
Employing git restore to Unstage

Replace <file_name> with the name of the file you wish to unstage. This command will discarded the particular file from the staging area while keeping your changes intact in the working directory.

For instance, in case you accidentally staged a file named example.txt, you can unstage it using:

git restore --staged
Employing git restore to Unstage

Using git restore is a quick and straightforward way to undo staging changes without affecting your working directory.

Using git reset to Unstage

Using git reset to Unstage

Another method you can use to unstage files in Git is the git reset command. Unlike git restore, which operates on individual files, git reset allows you to manipulate the staging area as a whole.

To unstage a specific file using git reset, you can run the following command:

git reset HEAD <file_name>

Similar to git restore, replace <file_name> with the name of the file you desire to unstage. This command will eliminate the particular file from the staging area, effectively undoing the staging operation.

For instance, in case you accidentally staged a file named example.txt, you can unstage it using:

git reset HEAD example.txt
Using git reset to Unstage

Unstage All Files on Git

Unstage All Files on Git

What if you have staged numerous files and need to unstage them all at once? Git has you covered! You can unstage all files in the staging area with a single command.

To unstage all files in Git, simply use the following command:

git reset
Unstage All Files on Git

This command will reset the staging area to match the last commit, effectively unstaging all modifications. It’s a convenient way to start fresh and reevaluate which files you want to include in your next commit.

Unstage a Single File or Directory

Unstage a Single File or Directory

Suppose, you’ve found yourself in a situation where you need to unstage a specific file or directory in your Git repository. Whether it’s because you mistakenly staged the wrong file or simply changed your mind about including it in the next commit, Git provides straightforward solutions to help you out.

To unstage a single file in Git, you can utilize the git reset command along with the path to the file you wish to unstage. For instance, in case you accidentally staged a file named example.txt, you can unstage it by running:

git reset HEAD example.txt

This command will remove example.txt from the staging area, leaving it in your working directory with its modifications intact. Now, you’re free to make further changes or determine if you wish to include it in your next commit.

But what if you wish to unstage an entire directory? Fear not, Git possess a solution for that too. You can achieve this by specifying the directory path along with the git reset command. For instance, if you accidentally staged a directory named images, you can unstage it using:

git reset HEAD images/

This command will remove all files within the images directory from the staging area, allowing you to reconsider their inclusion in the next commit.

Using the .gitignore File

Now, let’s say you have certain files or directories that you never wish to incorporate in your Git repository. This can be temporary files, build artifacts, or confidential data that shouldn’t be tracked. In such cases, you can utilize the .gitignore file to specify patterns of files and directories to be ignored by Git.

Simply create a .gitignore file in the of your Git repository’s root directory and append patterns for files or directories you do not wish to include. For instance, for ignoring all files with the .log extension, you can append the given line to your .gitignore file:


Similarly, to ignore an entire directory named temp, you can append the given line:


By using the .gitignore file, you can prevent specific files or directories from being staged or tracked by Git, effectively managing your project’s repository more efficiently.

Unstage Committed Files

Unstage Committed Files

Now think that you’ve made a commit in your Git repository, only to realize later that you included some unintended changes or files. Don’t worry; you’re not alone in this! Git provides several methods to unstage committed files, allowing you to rectify any mistakes and maintain the integrity of your repository.

Unstage Commits Soft

One way to unstage committed files in Git is by using the git reset command with the –soft option. This option allows you to move the HEAD pointer to a last commit while keeping your modifications staged.

To unstage a commit using the –soft option, you can run the following command:

git reset --soft HEAD^

This command will reset the HEAD pointer to the parent of the current commit, effectively undoing the last commit while keeping the modifications staged. Now, you can review the changes and determine whether to modify them further or discard them entirely.

For instance, if you accidentally committed changes to a file named example.txt, you can unstage the commit using:

git reset --soft HEAD^
Unstage Commits Soft

This command will undo the last commit while keeping the modifications to example.txt staged and ready for further modifications.

Unstage Commits Hard

Another option for unstaging committed files is the –hard option with the git reset command. Unlike the –soft option, the –hard option not only moves the HEAD pointer to a previous commit but also resets the changes in your working directory to sync that commit.

To unstage a commit using the –hard option, you can run the following command:

git reset --hard HEAD^

This command will reset both the HEAD pointer and the changes in your working directory to the state of the parent of the current commit, effectively removing all modifications introduced in the last commit.

For example, if you wish to fully discard the modifications that came up in the last commit, you can use:

git reset --hard HEAD^
Unstage Commits Hard

This command will revert your repository to the state before the last commit, removing all changes introduced in that commit.

Mixed Unstage Option

Git also offers a mixed unstage option, which is the default behavior of the git reset command when no option is specified. This option resets the HEAD pointer to a last commit while leaving the changes in your working directory unstaged.

To unstage a commit using the mixed option, you can simply run the git reset command without specifying any option:

git reset HEAD^

This command will reset the HEAD pointer to the parent of the current commit, leaving the changes in your working directory unstaged. You can then review the changes, stage them selectively, or discard them as needed.

Suppose, in case you want to unstage the last commit without discarding the changes, you can use:

git reset HEAD^
Mixed Unstage Option

This command will unstage the last commit and keep the modifications in your working directory intact, allowing you to make further modifications or stage them selectively.

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Final Words

In your Git journey, mastering the art of unstaging files and commits is essential for maintaining a clean and organized repository. Whether you’ve accidentally staged the wrong files or made changes you no longer wish to include, Git provides a range of commands like git reset and git restore to help you undo those actions. Remember, with git reset, you can unstage files and commits with precision, whether you want to keep changes in your working directory (–soft), discard them entirely (–hard), or leave them unstaged (mixed). Additionally, the git restore command offers a simple way to unstage specific files without altering your working directory. By familiarizing yourself with these tools, you can navigate through unstaging changes effortlessly, ensuring your repository reflects your project’s state accurately. So, embrace the power of Git’s unstaging capabilities and maintain control over your project’s development with confidence.

Arpit Saini

He is the Chief Technology Officer at Hostbillo Hosting Solution and also follows a passion to break complex tech topics into practical and easy-to-understand articles. He loves to write about Web Hosting, Software, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and much more.

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