
How to Use Head command in Linux {6 Examples}


When it comes to navigating through files and swiftly glancing at their content in Linux, the head command is your trusty companion. It does not matter if you are a expert Linux user or just dipping your toes into the world of command-line interfaces, mastering the head command can considerably intensify your efficiency. With this guide, we will dip into the syntax, options, and practical examples of using the head command in Linux.

The head command is one of the fundamental tools in a Linux user’s arsenal, offering quick insights into the beginnings of files without having to open them entirely. Knowing its intricacies can administer your workflow and make your interactions with the command line more intuitive and effective. So, let’s begin on this journey to take the power of the head command in Linux and understand its potential for smoother file navigation and analysis.

head Command in Linux Syntax

head Command in Linux Syntax

Before apprehending the intricacies of the head command, let’s first understand its syntax. In its simplest form, the head command follows this structure:


This syntax allows you to specify various options to tailor the output according to your requirements. You can also mention the file whose content you wish to inspect. If no file is specified, head will read from standard input.

Understanding the structure of the head command syntax is crucial for effective usage. The options provide flexibility in how you want to view the content, whether it’s specifying the number of lines or bytes to display, suppressing headers, or displaying version information. Additionally, the ability to specify the file name allows for targeted examination of specific files, enabling you to quickly extract relevant information without unnecessary navigation.

Mastering the syntax empowers you to wield the head command with precision, efficiently extracting insights from files with minimal effort. Whether you’re a sysadmin troubleshooting logs, a developer inspecting code snippets, or a data analyst parsing datasets, familiarity with the head command syntax is indispensable for smooth navigation and analysis in the Linux environment. So, let’s delve deeper into its options and explore how they can be employed to streamline your workflow.

head Command Options

head Command Options

The head command in Linux offers several options to customize its behavior:

-n: This option permits you to mention the no. of lines you wish to show. For example, if you need to see the first ten lines of a file, you would use -n 10.

-c: If you prefer to view a specific number of bytes instead of lines, you can utilize the -c option. For example, -c 100 would display the first 100 bytes of the file.

-q: When dealing with multiple files, the -q option comes in handy. It suppresses the printing of headers, making the output cleaner and more concise.

-v: Conversely, if you want to display the header for each file when viewing multiple files, you can use the -v option. This provides clarity by indicating which file each set of output belongs to.

–help: To get assistance with using the head command and its options, you can use the –help option. It displays a help message containing information about the command’s usage and available options, ensuring you’re never lost in the command-line wilderness.

–version: Similarly, if you need to check the version of the head command you’re using, you can employ the –version option. This displays version information, which can be useful for troubleshooting or ensuring compatibility with specific features.

These options offer versatility and control, allowing you to tailor the behavior of the head command to suit your needs. Apprehending and leveraging these options can majorly intensify your efficiency as well as productivity in the Linux platform. So, let’s now explore practical examples of using these options.

How to Use head Command in Linux

How to Use head Command in Linux

Displaying Specific Number of Lines

When you need to quickly examine the beginning of a file in Linux, the head command with the -n option becomes your go-to solution. By specifying the number of lines you want to display, you gain immediate insights into the file’s content without having to open it entirely.

For instance, suppose you’re analyzing a log file and want to inspect the first 10 entries. In this situation, you would implement the given command:

head -n 10 logfile.txt
Displaying Specific Number of Lines

Instantly, the head command retrieves and displays the first 10 lines of the logfile.txt, providing you with crucial information at a glance. This ability proves invaluable in scenarios where efficiency is paramount, such as troubleshooting system issues or reviewing program output.

Moreover, the flexibility of the -n option extends beyond mere inspection of files. It empowers you to extract specific portions of data, facilitating tasks like data preprocessing or text manipulation in shell scripts. By incorporating the head command with the -n option into your workflow, you streamline your processes and enhance productivity in the Linux environment.

Displaying Specific Number of Bytes

In the realm of Linux file manipulation, the head command’s versatility extends beyond line-based extraction with its -c option. When granular precision is required, this option allows you to delve into file contents at the byte level, offering a more nuanced approach to data inspection.

Consider a scenario where you’re analyzing a binary file or examining the metadata at the beginning of a document. In such cases, the -c option proves invaluable, providing a targeted glimpse into the specified number of bytes from the file’s outset.

For instance, suppose you’re tasked with extracting the first 100 bytes of a configuration file to identify crucial settings. You would execute the following command:

head -c 100 config.txt
Displaying Specific Number of Bytes

Instantly, the head command retrieves and displays the initial 100 bytes of the config.txt file, presenting you with essential information at a glance. This capacity proves specifically helpful when administering with large files or when precise data extraction is required.

Moreover, the -c option’s flexibility extends beyond traditional text files, encompassing binary files, archives, and more. Whether you’re parsing metadata, extracting headers, or analyzing network packets, the head command’s -c option empowers you to navigate file structures with finesse and efficiency.

Displaying the File Name Tag

In the realm of file examination and analysis in Linux, the head command provides a convenient mechanism for quickly assessing multiple files’ beginnings. However, when dealing with numerous files, the inclusion of file names in the output can either enhance clarity or clutter the display, depending on the context.

By default, when you use the head command to display output from multiple files, it includes the file name alongside each set of lines or bytes. This feature aids in identifying the source of each output segment, providing valuable context in scenarios involving multiple files.

However, there are scenarios where you can desire a more streamlined output without the accompanying file names. In such cases, you can utilize the -q option to suppress the printing of headers, including the file names. This results in a cleaner output, particularly useful when you’re only interested in the content itself and not the file names.

Suppressing File Names with -q Option:

head -q -n 10 file1.txt file2.txt
Displaying Specific Number of Bytes

This command will display the first 10 lines from file1.txt and file2.txt without showing their respective file names.

Conversely, if you find yourself needing to explicitly display the file names alongside the output, the -v option comes to your rescue. By specifying -v, you instruct the head command to include the file names for every set of lines or bytes displayed, ensuring clarity and maintaining context, especially when dealing with numerous files simultaneously.

Displaying File Names with -v Option:

head -v -n 5 file1.txt file2.txt

Displaying Specific Number of Bytes

This command will display the first 5 lines from file1.txt and file2.txt while explicitly showing their file names.

Displaying Multiple Files

When you need to swiftly inspect the beginnings of multiple files in Linux, the head command offers a straightforward solution. By simply listing the file names as arguments to the head command, you can simultaneously view the initial content of multiple files in one fell swoop.

For instance, suppose you’re tasked with reviewing the introductory sections of several documents. In this scenario, executing the following command:

head file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
Displaying Multiple Files

allows you to efficiently examine the initial contents of file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt without having to open each file individually.

This capacity proves invaluable in scenarios involving batch processing of files, log file analysis, or comparing the beginnings of multiple documents. 

Redirecting Output to a Text File

In the realm of Linux file manipulation, the head command’s prowess extends beyond simple display capabilities. With the standard output redirection operator (>) at your disposal, you can seamlessly redirect the output of the head command to a text file, facilitating further analysis or documentation of your findings.

For example, suppose you’re tasked with extracting the initial 20 lines of a log file for archival purposes. In this scenario, executing the following command:

head -n 20 logfile.txt > log_excerpt.txt
Redirecting Output to a Text File

achieves the desired outcome by displaying the first 20 lines of the logfile.txt and saving the output to a new text file named log_excerpt.txt.

This approach streamlines your workflow by automating the process of capturing pertinent information from files, discarding the requirement for manual copying as well as pasting. 

Using head with Pipeline

In the realm of data manipulation and processing in Linux, the head command shines as a versatile tool that can seamlessly integrate with other commands through pipelines. By piping the output of one command into the head command, you can efficiently manipulate and extract data to meet your specific requirements.

For instance, suppose you’re tasked with analyzing the first few lines of a large dataset stored in a text file. In this scenario, executing the following command:

cat dataset.txt | head -n 5
Redirecting Output to a Text File

utilizes the cat command to output the contents of the dataset.txt file, which is then piped into the head command to display only the first 5 lines of the dataset.

This approach enables you to efficiently sample data, perform initial exploratory analysis, or extract key insights from large datasets without overwhelming system resources. 

Also Read: 50+ Linux Commands with Screenshots (Download PDF)


The head command in Linux stands as a stalwart companion for users seeking swift insights into file contents. Its versatility transcends user roles, proving invaluable to sysadmins, developers, and Linux enthusiasts alike. By grasping its syntax and harnessing its myriad options, you unlock a gateway to streamlined file navigation and information extraction on the command line. For sysadmins tasked with troubleshooting log files or monitoring system output, the head command offers a concise glimpse into pertinent data, enabling rapid identification of issues and trends. Developers find solace in its ability to swiftly inspect code snippets or explore the beginnings of large files, aiding in debugging and optimization efforts. Even casual Linux users benefit from its simplicity and effectiveness, empowering them to navigate directories and glean insights with ease.

Mastering the head command elevates your proficiency in the Linux environment, fostering efficiency and agility in myriad tasks. Whether you’re parsing datasets, analyzing configuration files, or simply satisfying your curiosity, the head command remains a steadfast ally in your journey through the realms of Linux. So, embrace its power, explore its nuances, and get on to your command-line with confidence, knowing that the head command is there to guide you every step of the way.

Arpit Saini

He is the Chief Technology Officer at Hostbillo Hosting Solution and also follows a passion to break complex tech topics into practical and easy-to-understand articles. He loves to write about Web Hosting, Software, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and much more.

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